Thời gian làm việc | Thứ 2 đến Thứ 6 : 16h00 - 19h30 | Thứ 7 : 7h00 - 11h00.
0988 752 725- Trang chủ|Đo nhanh đông máu INR
Đo nhanh đông máu INR
The CoaguChek® XS system is a convenient, portable and user-friendly instrument for monitoring oral anticoagulation therapy. It determines the INR value (International Normalized Ratio) from a drop of capillary whole blood –it’s simple, precise and reliable.
The CoaguChek® XS system is ready to use anywhere, any time. You can test yourself at home, school, work or on vacation.
Fast, reliable results
- Accurate PT/INR results in one minute
- Built-in quality control checks each and every strip automatically
- Lab-equivalent accuracy and precision
Simple fingerstick test
Most patients prefer having a small drop of blood (just 8 μL) taken from a fingerstick over having blood drawn from a vein
Improved patient outcomes
Frequent testing leads to fewer life threatening events1 and increases your quality of life.1
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